Dissecting a Rental Scam Email

There are commonalities with all rental scam emails. Below are some tips when dissecting a rental scam email.

  1. Does the email start out with Sir / Madam?
  2. Are there misspellings in the email?
  3. Are there character mistakes in the email? i.e Hello,my nameis Susie.
  4. Is there excessive capitalization?
  5. Does the email reference God, UK, Cashiers Check, Doctor, Nigeria, Reverend, etc.
  6. Is the email from a free email provider. i.e gmail, yahoo, aol, hotmail.
  7. Does the email refer to another person or agent?
  8. Does the email reference wanting to move in site unseen?

If the email has a majority of these commonalities, then the chances are very good it is a scammer. If you are unsure, it is best to not reply to the email.

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